How to write Roman numerals on the computer. How to dial Roman numerals on the keyboard is easiest? How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals: the English alphabet

  1. Method 1
  2. How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: characters
  3. Method 2
  4. Mnemonic list for Korean keyboard layout
  5. Method 3
  6. Change the device’s built-in keyboard
  7. Method 4
  8. Adding an application from a third-party keyboard
  9. How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals: the English alphabet
  10. Removing a third-party keyboard
  11. Change the layout of the physical keyboard
  12. How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard quickly
  13. How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals: the English alphabet
  14. Ways to write Roman numerals
  15. How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: characters
  16. How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals in Microsoft Office Word
  17. Punctuation at end of paragraph

Sometimes, users are required to put Roman numerals. As a rule, they are used to refer to centuries and millennia, the serial number of the ruler, etc. Below we consider several ways that will help to cope with this task for different situations.

Today we look at:

Method 1

For example, you need to put Roman numerals in the text to mark the centuries in which the events unfolded. The easiest way to do this is using the English keyboard layout.

The Korean input setting is awesome! Now what? The script of any language that does not work in the same way as the Latin alphabet you are used to is a tiny task when you learn to type it. Even in French-Spanish countries you may be surprised if the keyboard layout is a bit different!

How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: characters

Although you have to get used to the conversion of characters when typing in Chinese or Japanese, it is still relatively simple, because the keyboard layout is almost the same, and you type romanization: pinyin and rumaji respectively. This means that you will need to find out where all the letters are.

To do this, move the keyboard to English and holding down the Shift key , type the necessary letters that will act as Latin numbers: I, II, III, IV, V, VI , etc.

Method 2

In the next method, we will use Latin numerals for numbering. To do this, select the list that should be numbered, and click on it with the right mouse button, selecting the item “Numbering” . Among the available numbering options, select the option in which there are Latin numbers.

The most common Korean keyboard layout. Let me reinforce this point: do not be afraid of the word of mnemonics. The concept of mnemonic is simple: association: connect something with what you are trying to remember. It becomes easier to remember because of this acquaintance or because it makes a small piece of data “more” and, therefore, more “important” for your brain. So, this is all you need to do!

Mnemonic list for Korean keyboard layout

Again, you should only use this as a guide when you need help. It’s best to make your mnemonic, and you shouldn’t put an extra effort into exploring my personal set if you don’t need it. Hope this helps you learn how to type Korean. Now recruit what you learned!

Method 3

This method is convenient to use if you don’t know exactly how to write Latin numbers. For this we, which will translate the Arabic number into Roman. Using it is quite simple:

Change the device’s built-in keyboard

You can change the built-in keyboard of your device or add additional languages. It also changes the dictionary used for automatic correction, the number of letters on the keyboard, and the key layout. The keyboard language also defines the language of the dictionary that is used for it.

In some languages ​​you can change the key layout. To get a definition of a word, select it and click Search. The dictionary is a software keyboard and is available in some languages. 2. You can write and fill in whole sentences with just a few taps.

1. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F9 ;

2. Curly brackets will appear in which you need to enter a formula of the following type: = [Arabic] \ * ROMAN . For example, {= 154 \ * ROMAN} ;

3. After entering the formula, press F9 , and the Arabic number will be converted to Roman.

Method 4

The final way, which involves inserting a roman number from the available characters. To do this, go to Word in the "Insert" tab and expand the "Symbol" menu. Find the correct Roman number among the available characters.

Adding an application from a third-party keyboard

When you write, sentences will appear for words and phrases that you are likely to write; These suggestions are based on previous conversations and your writing style. You can install applications from third-party keyboards in the same way that you install other applications on your device. After installing a new keyboard, you must add it before you can use it.

When using the application, you can switch to another keyboard, for example, a keyboard from another manufacturer or another language. Just press and hold to scroll through the keyboard. You can also change the order of your keyboards. Third-party keyboards are not always available.

Third-party keyboards are not always available

When a document needs to print several Roman numerals, and you don’t know how to do this, then, accordingly, there is an urgent need for new knowledge. It all depends on exactly where you need to specify Roman numerals: it could be Microsoft Office Word and the like, editors on the Internet, personal correspondence in e-mail . Depending on where you write, the order of actions will change. There are two ways to write Roman numerals through the keyboard, one of which has variations. In this article you will see all the possible ways and evaluate their effectiveness on their own, simply by repeating the instructions.

How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals: the English alphabet

If the application developer does not use third-party keyboards. If you enter a secure text field. If you are using the numeric keypad instead of the standard keyboard. What you see in these cases will be the default keyboard until you finish typing.

Removing a third-party keyboard

This will also remove the settings panel.

Change the layout of the physical keyboard

You can choose from several keyboard layouts that correspond to the keys on your physical keyboard. You can also use an alternative keyboard layout that does not correspond to the physical keys of the keyboard.

How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard quickly

This method is the fastest and can be used on any Internet resources, in e-mail and text editors, but it all depends on the font that you use. If you are not satisfied with the first option, try to put the numbers in the second way.

How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals: the English alphabet

The whole point of the method is to use the letters of the English alphabet as numbers. Remember what Roman numerals are: I, M, C, L ... it sounds like letters, isn't it?

Ways to write Roman numerals

Follow the instructions that came with your keyboard to put them in discovery or link mode. German, Chinese, Korean, Danish, Spanish, French, Hindi, English, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Thai and Turkish. Use of the Internet carries inherent risks. for more information. Other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. All designations in Arabic and Roman are mentioned when referring to numbers.

Go to any editor or site where you need to put them. Turn on the English keyboard layout on your keyboard and hold down the SHIFT key - only capital letters will be displayed this way. An alternative could be the Caps Lock key, you need to press it once, and all letters will be capitalized.

With the SHIFT key held down or the Caps Lock key pressed, start typing letters of the English alphabet, where:

There are others in the world, but they have not been used in many countries for use in the world. Are the Arabic numerals that we write, like most countries of the world, really Arabic? For us, the numbers are convenient, easy to write and remember. Roman numerals are more difficult and inconvenient. The reason is that there are only 7 digits, and everything else is written as a combination of them. Numbers using Roman numerals are a combination of seven numbers and an Arabic figure. In mathematical operations, Arabic numerals have a great advantage.

When you read a Roman numeral, it is important to think and calculate, and for the Arabic language, each of the ten digits corresponds to a number, and multi-digit numbers are easier to write. Five-digit numbers were recorded using a different system. You can see the great inconvenience when using Roman numerals. How many characters should be written at the expense of four digits. Otherwise, both systems are adapted to use the decimal system. When using binary code complications are great. Arabic numerals, like numbers, are written from left to right, and not as Arabic from right to left.

  • the capital i is the number 1;
  • accordingly, two letters i will be 2;
  • M, C, L, D, X and so easy to find on the keyboard, they are exactly the same Roman numerals.

the capital i is the number 1;   accordingly, two letters i will be 2;   M, C, L, D, X and so easy to find on the keyboard, they are exactly the same Roman numerals

Enter the whole number, not forgetting that the letters should be capitalized.

Enter the whole number, not forgetting that the letters should be capitalized

The alphabet looks like an image. Around the world, Arabic numerals surpass Roman. The homeland of the figures that we use everywhere today, and we call it Arabic numerals, is India. Culture and science, especially mathematics, have reached a high level of development. At about the same time, another Brahmi digital system is being distributed in parallel with wagons in India. They come from the Indian alphabet. The Indian alphabet is not one, but many different languages ​​are written in different letters.

Arabic numerals are precursors of brass and another digital Devanagari system. This alphabet, like Sanskrit, comes from brass and is a bit late. From India it spread to many neighboring countries.
Arabic numerals are precursors of brass and another digital Devanagari system
The table shows the changes in Arabic numbers over the years until their current version is reached. Roman figures appeared around 500 BC. in the Etruscan indigenous population of the peninsula.

If you have the opportunity, choose a font that will make the letters more similar to Roman numerals. In the Microsoft Office Word program, this could be Cambria.

So you got the Roman numerals using the keyboard.

How to type Roman numerals on the keyboard: characters

When the font does not allow you to use the capital letter i, as the Roman numeral 1, resort to using symbols on your keyboard.

However, it takes a little more effort to create correct calculations. From this article you will learn everything you need to know in order to create correct calculations in terms of Polish typographic and stylistic rules. If the enumeration paragraph contains quite a lot of text, then there are two possibilities: either the second or the next lines are folded across the entire width of the column, or we use their indents to get the first letter directly under the first letter of the first line; Then the next lines of calculations form a single block, and the point of calculation will be hung next to it.

Again, translate the layout to English and hold SHIFT, find the key with the characters next to the hard sign. Click on it and you will see a straight stick, which will be the replacement for the number 1.

So you can write the rest of the numbers that require such a symbol. Again, you can choose a font that most closely resembles a Roman symbol. Enter the remaining Roman numbers also using the English alphabet.

Visually, the difference is shown in the graph below. All Polish books about typography speak clearly - we should use only the first way, which we put in the next paragraph of the paragraph to the full width of the column. If, however, contrary to the recommendations of experts, you decide the latter method, and then remember that the labels after the point of transfer should create a vertical. In other words, alignment numbers should be set to the right.

Multi-line calculations are those that contain sub-items. Ten levels are ten times more than the Polish typographical rules suggest. In general, we should avoid multi-row calculations. Therefore, if you think that you need to enter the third line of the listing, you can almost certainly rewrite the text to avoid it.

How to type on the keyboard Roman numerals in Microsoft Office Word

Some programs support entering Roman numerals automated. You do not even need to remember exactly how to write this or that Roman numeral. Look at the example of the Word, how this can be done.

Enter the program and hold down the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F9. If you have a laptop, you may have to hold down the Fn key. There and then braces will appear in front of you.

Exceptions are only contours, where multi-row calculations are on the agenda. When multi-row computing is required, let's recall these two rules.
Exceptions are only contours, where multi-row calculations are on the agenda
After the Roman numerals, we must put a point. In the lower case we have to put the closing bracket. Capitals and Arabic numerals can be placed either in the period or in the closing bracket, but it is important to do this consistently in the document.

Punctuation at end of paragraph

An enumeration can be interrupted by one of three punctuation marks: a comma, a semicolon, or a period. We use a comma when individual paragraphs are very short. The following listing items begin in lower case. The last point ends with a point.

In these brackets you need to write a special function of this type:

Number \ * Roman

  • Where the number is the Roman numeral you want to translate.
  • Roman is a command for recognizing the numeral system.

In the screenshot you can see an example of how to get the Roman numeral 5400.

A semicolon is used when one of the enumeration paragraphs contains a comma. A dot is used when one of the paragraphs in the listing contains a semicolon or consists of more than one sentence. The following listing items begin with a capital letter. The last moment, of course, ends with a full stop.

It is permissible to raise this pattern, i.e. instead of a comma you can put a semicolon or a period, and instead of a semicolon - a period. However, placing a comma or a semicolon instead of a dot is considered an error. You must take care of this yourself.

After you have entered a function, press F9 or Fn + F9 again.

A roman number will appear on the screen.

A roman number will appear on the screen

Now what?
It sounds like letters, isn't it?
Are the Arabic numerals that we write, like most countries of the world, really Arabic?